Anchor Point Scrolling Widget

Add unique scrolling transitions by setting the speed, easing, and offset of how the page scrolls to anchor points.
Web Animation

Set scroll speed, easing, and offset

Add unique scrolling transitions by setting the speed, easing, and offset of how the page scroll to anchor points.


The widget works across all breakpoints and can be set to responsive width, responsive width and height, and stretch to browser width.

Multi-Browser Support

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer IE 11+

Version 1.2

Version 1.2


  • Fixed issue with easing options not working if there were other widgets placed within the page.
  • Updated code.

Version 1.1


  • Fixed issue with widget not working in the later releases of Adobe Muse.
  • New widget interface.
  • Fixed issue with widget getting taller in height on Windows computers.
  • Updated code.